Monday, August 6, 2012

Babies and Special Needs

Friday, July 27

Today began with a beautiful sunrise over the Nile.   Jordan face-timed me so I have been able to chat with everyone.  I'm happy.  We had a delicious breakfast with scrambled eggs and bacon among other things.

Spent the morning at Ekisa which is a ministry to special needs orphans.  It was hard for a lot of people but Liz just picked a child and loved on him, which included feeding him twice even though for Liz, especially, much dripped out.  I was so impressed with the "Mamas" that work there and how non-chalantly they dealt with the children.  One older boy would literally climb on you to be held.  We have much to be thankful for

We then had lunch at a Chinese restaurant of all things.  The food was delicious.  

After lunch we went to Sangalo (which means joy) baby house.  Damalie shared her story of how the Lord led her since her youth to run a baby house. I was overwhelmed by her faith and how God provides everything right when it is needed and not before.  In America we have so much we don't have to trust God for our daily existence.

Our next stop was Canaan's Children Home.  Once again the bus is mobbed.  The kids remember team members who were here before and run to them.  Sarah scopes me out and reaches for my hand even before I can get off the bus.  She is thirteen and has been at Canaan's for about three years.  Both of her parents have died and her grandparents and some siblings.  She has one brother here with her.  She doesn't leave my side until we go to dinner.  I also met Ezra who is 15 and in the equivalent of our 7th grade.  They both want to be doctors someday.  

Liz connected with a boy named Ali, whom she wants to adopt, and another named Gideon.

We are sleeping in a big room with 10 beds and share two bathrooms with the four men as well.  The speaker system from the village outside our window is loud at 5:00 when they call people to morning prayer.  It goes on forever.  I will need two sleeping pills each night while we are here.

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