Friday, August 3, 2012

Off to Pallisa

Tuesday, July 24

Today we took a five hour bus trip.  We stopped for lunch in Jinja and ate at the Source Internet Cafe.  I got to facetime with Cam (even though it was the middle of the night for him).  We met Brad from Amazima Ministries.  He explained why they had stopped allowing teams to come visit them.    Sometimes our desire to help isn't always helpful, but actually more disruptive.

After lunch, we continued down a very long, bumpy dirt road to the town of Pallisa.  We had dinner at Kerith Childrens Home with Pastor Samuel and his wife Marcy.

The kids here haven't seen many mzungus and were hesitant at first to interact with us.  Once the fingernail polish emerged, they were willing to come closer.

Pastor Samuel told us his story over dinner.  There are 20 children that live at Kerith in addition to their own two.  He told us about Jamal who's mentally ill mom didn't take care of him and how the villagers thought he was demon possessed and everyone was just waiting for him to die.  Since he and Marcy brought him home, he has overcome tuberculosis and club feet and is now thriving.  He had over miraculous stories to share as well.

It amazes me that they consider our visit such a blessing.  We do so little and they do so much, but not many teams make the long drive to visit them.  I think one of the most important things we can do for the ministries we visit is to go home and recruit support for all these people.

Our hotel in Pallisa is the Country Inn.  There is no hot water and intermittent electricity.  It is a two sleeping pills  a night lodge.

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