Monday, August 6, 2012

Resting by the Nile

Thursday, July 26
Today we went to see Pastor Samuel's school.  Again just bare concrete rooms with one window for light. Tiny desks except for the baby room which had none.  The kids recite a lot as a learning style and show of respect.  Some cried when we left.

And of course, the chicken wandering through the school yard.  All the livestock seems to roam free here.
We headed back down the long dirt road again.  The van carrying the luggage broke down and we had to wait for about an hour for it to get repaired.  
Paid to use a bar's squatty potty.  I'm definitely getting the hang of them.  I don't think Liz has used one yet. Again wherever we stop we attract a crowd.  Mostly kids, the adults just stare from afar.

We got to The Haven about 3:00 and finally ate some lunch.  It is a beautiful resort on the banks of the Nile River.  Unfortunately it started to rain so we didn't get to go on our boat ride.  There was wifi so I got to talk to Cam and Kate in Colorado.

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